Miracles in Action
Miracles in Action Commitment to Education
Education is the answer to poverty, but it is often out of reach for the poorest of the poor. Miracles in Action commits to a variety of education projects to improve the lives of rural Mayans.
School Construction
We work with non-profit partners in Guatemala to identify needs in poor rural communities. Many of these rural Mayan children do not attend school past the 2nd or 3rd grade. Our goal is to encourage more education by building adequate facilities. Our school construction projects have three partners: the community, who requests a school and has parents and others who are willing to provide the unskilled labor; the government, who provides the land and commits to provide teachers; and Miracles in Action, who, with the help of our donors, provides the funding for building materials and works with the in-country non-profit to oversee the project. We visit every school we build to meet the students and community.
Vocational Training
We support vocational training programs where our goal is to teach children and adults the skills they need to find a job, earn a living, and serve their community. In 2010 we partnered with Amigos de Santa Cruz to help build a vocational center called CECAP. They now provide classes in cooking, restaurant management, carpentry, computers, weaving, sewing and beading.The center’s “Manos Crucenas” artisan workshop produces product for their store in Santa Cruz on Lake Atitlan and for online sales. Visit Manos Crucenas Store for beautiful woven and sewn products.
Women Empowerment Workshops
Marta Sicajan conducts empowering workshops for women living in the most remote villages, like Chel in Quiche with The Ripple Effect
She shares her story of being trafficked at 17 year old from rural Guatemala to Fort Myers, FL., and how despite adversities and abuse, she survives and excels. Marta discusses women’s rights, building self esteem, domestic violence and the steps to take in teaching sons to respect girls. As a role model, Marta leaves them with hope and understanding. Health promoters speaking the local Maya language provide lessons in nutrition – the importance of eating from a rainbow of foods, – what to give 6 month olds when breast milk is not enough, and – an introduction to native greens by making corn tortillas fortified with chaya. Women’s reproductive health and hygiene is discussed, and the women receive a gift of “Days For Girls” washable menstrual kits. To support these workshops and the cost of the kits, donate “where needed most”.